Chicago International Children's Film Festival

  • Du 07/11/2025 au 17/11/2025
  • Chicago • États-Unis
  • Chicago International Children's Film Festival (CICFF)
    Facets Multi-Media, Inc.
    1517 West Fullerton Ave.
    Chicago, IL 60614
    Phone: 773-281-9075
    Fax: 773-929-0266

The CICFF is North America's largest and most celebrated film festival devoted to films for and by kids, and it's the only Academy®-qualifying children's film festival in the world!

The CICFF advocates positive programming for kids and families: creative, fun, and culturally diverse films that not only tell stories about children and teens but also present things from kids' point of view. Facets Multi-Media, Inc., a not-for-profit film and video organization, is proud to present the annual Chicago International Children's Film Festival.

Dates importantes

  • 31/01/2025

    Date d’ouverture

  • 31/05/2025

    Date limite d’inscription

  • Du 07/11/2025 au 17/11/2025

    Dates du festival

Les dates peuvent être modifiées, assurez-vous de l'exactitude des informations sur le site du festival.


La liste ci-dessous ne recense que partiellement les films sélectionnés. 
Pour une liste exhaustive, consulter le site du festival.